Functional test systems
Standardized, modular and still highly customized
With their flexible set-up, it is always possible to expand the components of the EOL and ATE test systems in order to quickly adapt them to specific requirements – that is what we call an open, transparent and efficient system.
Production test systems & functional test systems
An extensive construction kit for a perfect test solution
At SET, we use the standardized modules from our construction kit (measuring technology, signal conditioning, power control units, software and hardware etc.) to quickly and efficiently implement customer requirements for functional testers and production testing.
Consequently, SET provides support for your project deployment from defining the system requirements all the way to implementing and commissioning the final test system. At SET, you will get a customized test system that is customized for the most diverse applications in aviation.
As your specialist for testing electronic aviation systems and components, SET will apply its expertise so that you can comply with the latest qualification requirements., both in traditional aviation as well as in future area like Urban Air Mobility.
With the production and functional testers by SET, you get to effectively and reliably test your aircraft electronics in development but also all the way to the production stage.
Functional testing
Get a functional or production test system that corresponds to your requirements today.
Our Support team will answer all of your questions and they can also get you a quote for your test system.